Great Features.



We take a pdf of your materials and make your site, soup to nuts.

Assuming we did not design your printed materials already (hint-hint), our talented designers will dissect a pdf of your materials and will translate your theme, graphics, and message to the web. Once your site is set up, we provide you with a Quick Start Guide and the support you need to make the site truly yours. And we remain available for support throughout the solicitation period (3-5 years). We host your site for the life of the solicitation period on an encrypted server. No worries about codgering together Wordpress widgets that break from time to time…our system is purpose-built for just one thing: capital campaign websites.



Our system enables you to go in and make changes with ease.

Because we built it just for this task, the interface is extremely easy to navigate, with only the buttons you need to make the changes you want. Nine big buttons in your Control Panel lead you to Settings, Slideshow, Progress Bar, Gift Table, Pledges, Q+A, News, Resources, and Our Plan. Making updates is as easy as using a word processor.

online giving

Online Giving

Securely accept payments online and direct them straight to your bank account.

You decide whether to accept credit cards as well as ACH or just ACH. Our e-checks cost just 25¢ each. A $10,000 capital campaign pledge paid over three years with monthly e-check payments would cost you just $9. That’s just 9 hundredths of a percent! Credit and debit charges enjoy the same rates as our Online Giving product. And if you don’t want to accept payments online, you can also opt to simply accept secure pledges as a complement to your printed pledge card. This won’t help with missed pledge payments, but it is still a convenience for donors.



Useful built-in tools help donors calculate their gift.

A capital campaign site from GivingTools enables you to display how much has been raised (if you want to) and donors can calculate their gift based on how much they want to give in total or with each payment. An industry-standard gifts table shows the number and size gifts needed to reach your goal.



Your site can expand upon your case in ways your printed materials cannot.

Enable your supporters to dig deeper with additional resources only a website can provide. Add a slideshow. Add a video. News. Display floorplans. Link to useful resources. You can bring your story to life and keep givers connected with fresh information you link to from your emails and regular site.



Your campaign site can be shared quickly and inexpensively.

Your capital campaign site makes a great landing site for emailed appeals, distant givers, or social sharing. And because the entire system was created using responsive design, everything functions flawlessly on a smartphone, including your dashboard and online giving.



Export all your giving data as an Excel-compatible file at any time.

With a single click, you can download your database and use the data as you wish. It’s a quick and versatile way to control your data and use it as you see fit.



Turn your campaign solicitation into a multimedia campaign.

Include your campaign site’s url in printed materials to connect the dots for donors and continue the conversation. Link to it from your regular site. Show it to donor prospects in face-to-face meetings. Add your url to every printed newsletter story your produce. Provide teasers with a link on posters and in printed inserts. Let’s work together to make the overall experience as seamless as possible.



You have much to gain and little to lose.

With one low setup fee of $700 including secure hosting for the life of your campaign solicitation (3-5 years), you save money right out the gate. And our online giving costs as little as $0 per month, with e-check (ACH) effective rates as low as a couple hundredths of a percent. At last, online giving is viable for capital campaigns. The result: fewer missed payments and added donor convenience.